Monday, October 12, 2009

Anth 2


Dread began to settle as this weeks reading assignment loomed overhead. Both articles proved easy to read, however, and dread was soon replaced with interest in the first paragraphs of Patrick Huyghe’s [1] article profiling Dr. Clyde C. Snow, anthropologist extraordinar. Huyghe skims over Dr. Snow’s career in this article to give the reader an overview of his achievements. At times the article could have been better scripted for a popular movie than a text book, it was a nice change from traditional text.

Few men have done as important work as Dr. Snow has done with the FAA, Cook County Medial, with Aquino’s Human Rights Commission, and the American Association for Advancement of Science. On top of all these intriguing work places Dr. Snow has also assisted to unmask King Tut, identify JFK and track down Nazi “Angel of Death” Josef Mengele. Dr. Snow worked on bodies found on the Battle of Little Bighorn site and many airline crash sites. His knowledge of forensic anthropology helped put it on the map and give families identities to their loved ones. He, at one point, was the go to guy and he knew it and if we are to believe the author, he is modest as well. At the time of this reading little information is available on Dr. Clyde C. Snow other than he was born in 1928, which shows Huyghe point on Dr. Snow‘s modesty. Dr. Snow had a career spanning over sixty years and may still be consulting.

Who can ask for a more exciting career? At the same time though, who can believe all of this to be true of just one man? Perhaps the article glossed over the details with to wide a brush fore at times the image of Sean Connery as Indiana Jones father crept into view. Whatever the interpretation, the out come is the same, Dr. Clyde C. Snow was a tireless man who was quite good at his job and became a hero to many.

[1] “Profile of an Anthropologist: No Bone Unturned” Annual Editions: Physical Anthropology (05/06) 24-28

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